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Heriot-Watt University

We've got an Associate Student Scheme in place with Heriot-Watt University. This allows students to enrol with the University and take part in activities to support their transition to the University in year 3. Engineering students complete additional Heriot-Watt specific Maths content in year 2.

By participating in the Associate Student Scheme, students are guaranteed a year 3 place at Heriot-Watt University provided they meet the conditions at the end of their 2-year HND at Forth Valley College.

You can apply to the Heriot-Watt programme via the College website. 

Please see course webpages below for more information about course content, delivery, and to apply via the College website.

Courses delivered in Partnership with Heriot-Watt University

BEng/MEng Civil Engineering/Structural Engineering

BEng/MEng Civil Engineering/Structural Engineering

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BSc (Hons) Applied Biological Sciences

BSc (Hons) Applied Biological Sciences

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MEng (Hons) Chemical Engineering

MEng (Hons) Chemical Engineering

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Meng Hons Electrical Engineering

MEng (Hons) Electrical Engineering

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